Unlocking the Art of Cyprus Rotisserie Kebab Making: Your Ultimate Recipe Guide

Embark on a delectable journey with your Flaming Coals Cyprus Spit Rotisserie – your key to effortless and scrumptious kebabs that even your children can prepare with ease! This convenient rotisserie eliminates the hassle from grilling, making it enjoyable for the entire family. Imagine this: assembling skewers becomes a fun activity, resulting in a plate full of flavourful kebabs crafted proudly by your kids. It's more than just a cooking tool; it's a doorway to stress-free family bonding and delicious meals. Let's delve into how this uncomplicated yet ingenious device can transform your backyard into a sanctuary for effortless and delightful kebab-making experiences!




  • Diced lamb

  • Diced chicken

  • Diced pork

  • Zucchini 

  • Cherry tomatoes 

  • Mushrooms

  • Capsicum 


Seasoning for your meat: 

  1. Porkinator for Pork

  2. Clucking Mad for Chicken 

  3. Traditional Lamb for Lamb


Preparation: Flavourful Grill Skewers

Prepare the Meats:

Veggie Delight:

  • Enhance the skewers by cutting a variety of colourful vegetables into slices and placing them in individual bowls. This assortment brings a range of hues and textures, contributing to the visual allure and nutritional richness of your skewers.


  • This_image_shows_meat-and_veggies_being_assembled_on_the_skewers


Artful Assembly:

  • Express your artistic flair while arranging your skewers, alternating between the marinated meats and the crisp vegetables. This stage isn't solely about cooking; it's an opportunity to create a visually striking and mouthwatering masterpiece customized to your flavour preferences.


Cooking Magic:

Ignite the Flame:

  • Ignite your charcoal and pour it with caution into the charcoal pan of your Flaming Coals Cyprus Rotisserie. The flickering flames and enticing smoky scent create the perfect ambiance for an unforgettable grilling session.

    Position your skewers onto the gear mechanism of the Cyprus Spit Roaster and activate the motor. Observe as the skewers elegantly rotate, guaranteeing uniform cooking and enabling the flavours to harmonize into a delightful symphony of taste.


  • This_image_shows_skewers_being_placed_on_the_Cyprus_mechanism


Timing is Key:

  • Let the skewers work their charm for about 12 minutes. While this serves as a rough estimate, harness the expertise of a culinary enthusiast by employing an instant-read thermometer to confirm that the food attains a safe internal temperature.


  • This_image_shows_kebab_skewers_being_cooked_for_12_minutes


  • Once the skewers have reached ideal doneness, delicately take them off the Cyprus Spit Roaster. The alluring scents and impeccably grilled textures are now prepared to be enjoyed to the fullest.


  • This_image_shows-removing_the_meat_from_the_skewer_once_cooked


Pro-Tip: Continuous Feast!

Strategic Skewer Swaps:

  • Release your inner culinary master by preparing extra skewers in advance. While the first batch sizzles and pleases, effortlessly exchange them with the pre-prepared skewers to maintain a steady stream of tantalizing delights. This expert suggestion ensures a constant supply of fresh and delightful flavours to relish.

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by: Michael Wilkie