Pizza Oven - Should you buy it?

Cooking pizza inside the pizza oven (Photo by Arthur Brognoli from Pexels)

Should you buy a Pizza Oven? 

Yes! Pizza ovens are really popular right now, so we'll go over some important things to help you on your journey to make the greatest pizza possible in the best pizza oven.

How long should you bake a pizza?

Authentic Neapolitan-style pizzas can be cooked in as little as 60 seconds at temperatures as high as 400°C.

Making Dough

It's not too difficult to make authentic Neapolitan dough. To prepare pizza dough, just 4 ingredients are required (Flour, Salt, Yeast & Water). We use a "baker's percentage" for each ingredient, which is calculated as a percentage of the total weight of the flour you use.

See below for the calculation for 100 gramme of flour using 60% hydration, 2% salt, and 1% yeast.

  • 100% of 100grams = 100 grams of “00” flour (“00” flour is the best type of flour for Neopolitan style pizzas.)
  • 60% of 100grams = 60grams water
  • 2% of 100grams = 2grams salt
  • 1% of 100grams = 1gram yeast

Since you add water, salt, and yeast to the weight of the flour rather than the overall weight of the dough you are making, you may find that the % is greater than 100. This is normal.

An approximately 160-grams dough ball might be made using the recipe above.


Making_dough_to_cook_for_pizza_oven (Photo by Klaus Nielsen from Pexels)

Making_dough_to_cook_for_PizzaOven (Photo by Klaus Nielsen from Pexels)

What types of pizza ovens are there?

1. Portable pizza ovens

Portable pizza ovens are an excellent alternative to brick wood-fired pizza ovens and are often built of stainless steel. Depending on their size, weight, and general build quality, they can cost different amounts.

The greatest pizza oven often has a strong base that can be moved from house to house and is well insulated.

Purchasing a portable pizza oven has several disadvantages over purchasing a brick pizza oven. They are smaller and may not keep heat for as long, but they heat up much more quickly.


Pizza in a oven (Photo by Eneida Nieves from Pexels)

2. Brick wood-fired pizza ovens

The most traditional and real pizza ovens are made of brick and burn wood. The most expensive pizza oven can cost up to $5000.

These units can take some time to heat up because of the highly insulated brick dome, but once they do, they can achieve and sustain high temperatures for a very long time.

The drawback is that they are difficult to move, very heavy, and require some getting used to in order to maintain the temperatures required to prepare a variety of foods.


Brick pizza oven (Photo by Erik Mclean from Pexels)

3. Barbeque top pizza ovens

These little, simple ovens are placed on top of your grill and bake your pizza using the heat produced from underneath. They do require more time to prepare pizzas than a mobile or brick oven.


Pizza in a grill (Photo by Streetwindy from Pexels)

Can anything else be cooked in wood-fired pizza ovens than pizza?

Absolutely! You can cook anything in a woodfired oven that you could prepare in a regular oven because to its incredible versatility. Including pizza, of course, but also roast vegetables, roast meats, and baked or grilled seafood! The only thing holding you back is your creativity!

What accessories do you need? 

A pizza peel - These paddles, which can be made of metal or wood, let you place and remove pizzas from the oven from a safe distance.

Spinner - ensures an even cook by allowing you to rotate or "spin" the pizza in the oven while it cooks.

Brush / Rake -makes it possible for you to move the fire and cbrush the stone before beginning to cook your pizza.

Shovel - as the cooking is done, to remove the cold coals.

Check out the Flaming Coals 5 piece oven toolkit here. 

So should I buy a pizza oven? 

Yes, Pizza ovens are definitely worth the investment! One of the best pizzas you will ever eat is traditional Neapolitan style made in a woodfired pizza oven!

Hosting pizza parties is a lot of fun because you can prepare a pizza in just 60 seconds, which makes it quick and easy to feed a large number of people quickly.


Eating pizza together with friends (Photo by Katerina Holmes from Pexels)

There are less expensive, more portable pizza ovens that work really well, such as the Flaming Coals pizza oven, which you can check out at BBQ Spit Rotisseries. You don't have to spend a fortune building a brick one unless you want to.

Check our Pizza Ovens and Accessories




by: Jason Blooms