Cooking Amazing Barramundi on a Spit Rotisserie

This image shows two Barramundi cooked in Cyprus Spit


In Australia, people love barramundi. You can get wonderful barramundi with a delicate, sweet, buttery flavour by using this delicious recipe.

Barramundi is one of those fish that doesn't necessarily have the 'fishy' flavour, making it a wonderful alternative for cooking on a spit rotisserie. Additionally, even children will love this recipe because it produces an incredible flavour from cooking over fire.


This image shows Barramundi cooked in Flaming Coals Cyprus Spit Roaster


The best way to prepare barramundi, in our opinion, is over live fire. (We may be slightly biassed.)

This dish is ideal for a midweek meal when you need to get dinner on the table fast because barramundi is a naturally delicate fish that requires little cooking time to reach perfection.

For today's cook, we are use the Flaming Coals Cyprus spit roaster due of its excellent performance and versatility. To turn our fish, we are using a large rotisserie cage.


  1. Lemon juice
  2. Butter
  3. Barramundi (whole)
  4. Kosmos Q SPG rub 

Step 1: By attaching it to the skewer, prepare your rotisserie basket for the spit.

Step 2: Rub the Kosmos Q SPG rub all over your barramundi, inside and out (salt, pepper & garlic). a wonderful complement to this fish.


This image shows Barramundi seasoned with Kosmos Q SPG rub


Step 3: Add a prelit chimney of lump charcoal into your spit rotisserie


This image shows charcoal chimney with lit charcoal


Step 4: Start spinning your basket and wait for the charcoal to work its magic while enjoying a drink or two.


This image shows Barramundi in the rotisserie basket cooked in Cyprus spit


Step 5: When the internal temperature of the barramundi reaches 145F or 62C, you'll know it's cooked. Depending on how hot your charcoal is, it will take about 25 to 35 minutes to cook.

Use a fork to slice the thickest point and gently twist it to check whether something is cooked. The dish will readily flake and lose its translucent appearance if it is finished.

Step 8: Serve and enjoy 


This image shows cooked barramundi-Served


Check our range of Spit Rotisseries




by: Michael Wilkie