The Best way to Prepare a Rolled Pork Loin with Baked Potatoes in The Flaming Coals Wood Fired Pizza Oven

How to Cook a Rolled Pork Loin with Baked Potatoes in The Flaming Coals Wood Fired Pizza Oven


Undoubtedly, a wrapped loin with the skin on is the most incredible piece of pork to roast. The loin is one of the tastiest and most juicy cuts you can use.


This is a close up image of Rolled Pork Loin cokked in wood fired pizza oven


The time spent preparing the pork is what will actually provide the results.Normally, I like to leave the pork in the fridge uncovered for 48 hours to dry the skin down, but if you're pressed for time, 24 hours will do. Although I prefer to score the skin before cooking, if your pork loin comes pre-scored (as in the images), don't worry—it will still make a wonderful dinner!


Rolled pork loin with baked potatoes


Any baking dish (not glass) could be used, but keep in mind that it will be placed in a Wood Fired Oven and must be able to endure that intense heat. I used a cast iron skillet to house the roast for this recipe.


  • Once the pork has had time to dry out in the refrigerator, remove it, put some oil on the meat only—not the skin—and then sprinkle over the Lanes Chilli Lime rub.
  • The potatoes were soon ready as I let the pork soak up the rub.


This is the close up image of baked potatoes

  • To house the pork, quarter 4-5 large potatoes and arrange them in a bed-like pattern in a well-oiled pan. Put the pig on the potato bed, then into a 350–400°F preheated wood-fired oven.
  • The hotter the over, the better since I prefer to have the crackling set early. For the first 40 min to 1 hour, you must keep a tight eye on it.
  • Once the crackle is ready, lower the oven's temperature to 300°F and roast the potatoes and pork slowly.
  • Around 2 to 3 hours into the roast, check the internal temperatures. I prefer to roast the meat at 180 to 190 °F.


This is the finish product of pork loin cooked in Faming coals Wood fired pizza oven


  • Once the roast reaches the desired temperature, remove it from the oven and let it rest for 10 minutes. Enjoy your carving!


Rolled pork loin with baked potatoes!Served.


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by: Michael Wilkie